You are Cordially Invited: the Big Blogaversary Bash!

For the girl who has Jane Austen’s birthday listed as an important event in her iCal and is counting down the days to the bicentennial of the publication of Pride and Prejudice, you’d think I’d have marked my own blogaversary this past week with a bit more fuss and fanfare. Alas, the surprise blogaversary party you were all planning for my stats page was obviously canceled on account of the closing Olympic ceremonies…or having more interesting blog material to peruse. I prefer to think the former.

This year has witnessed me taking a bite out of the cultural capital that is vampirism with my adventures in teaching media through vampire adaptations. My readers watched as I struggled to overcome my fear of waxworks, contemplated the inevitability of aging and threw a highly successful, Bridget Jones-style birthday party complete with blue cake. I have been fortunate enough to have received two prestigious blogger awards during this last year, neither of which are in any way responsible for the expansion of my ego. I single-handedly coined a new term for analyzing nudity in BBC dramas, participated, with great success, in Blogging Against Disablism Day 2012, and pined over the pain of having to endure my boyfriend being shamelessly stolen by Katie Couric.

OF course, none of this would have been possible without the support of the five people who actually care to read my ramblings…and the random individual who apparently discovered my blog with the search query “Colin Firth is racist”. (He isn’t, of course, unless you happen to take Ricky Gervais seriously).

IN any case, I know you are all itching to paint the town pink in celebration of the birth of my blog, so I will not detain you any longer. Just do please remember that as you are toasting my health and longevity with a watermelon margarita, to finish your drink. There are sober children in China, after all.


  1. Will celebrate in your honor! (waving!…see us on google maps?)
    Congrats and blog on!

    • poetprodigy7 said

      Haha, thank you, kindly!

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